Asia / India / Climate Smart / Agriculture / Technology / Focused Group Discussion / Food security / Governance / Water energy / Food nexus / Technological adaptation / GSD / Food Wastage / Food loss
During her last fiscal year of her fellowship, the fellow conducted a field visit to collect qualitative and quantitative data about adoption of climate smart agricultural (CSA) practices in subsistence vis-a-vis advanced commercial agriculture. Her major findings are as follows :
-Barriers to policy diffusion
Sustainable agriculture techniques enable higher resource efficiency - they help produce greater agricultural output while using lesser land, water and energy, ensuring profitability for the farmer. These essentially include methods that, among other things, protect and enhance the crops and the soil, improve water absorption and use efficient seed treatments. Despite considerable effort by both national and international agricultural organizations to promote CSA practices in India, adoption of these practices is low. The barriers to policy diffusion is severely affected by demographic characteristics, farm plot features, access to market, socio-economics, climate risks, access to extension services and training. Given the low level of literacy and subsistence level of agriculture it is being difficult to adopt capital intensive climate smart technical methods.
-Community acceptance
The modern and capital intensive CSA are mostly adopted by progressive farmers who have accesses to improved markets and customers who can pay for their premium products. Cross subsidy to those farmers who are using CSA practices is needed. This would eventually facilitate the adoption of climate smart agriculture practices.
【研究期間】2017-10-13 - 2020-03-31
【配分額】1,400千円 (直接経費: 1,400千円)