LCT diffusion / OECD countries / ASEAN / energy / policies / global value chain / 低炭素技術の普及 / barriers
The research achievements in line with my research works in FY 2017 are as follows: (i) Finished the qualitative analysis of drivers and barriers of low-carbon technologies diffusion (transfers) particularly on hydro-power technologies in mini hydro sector in Indonesia. The results of interviews and field visit to Indonesia in March 2017 were analyzed using the UNEP analytical framework on overcoming barriers to the transfer and diffusion of climate technologies. The draft of journal manuscript presents the findings of this analysis is under preparation.
(ii) Through attending the 2017 IEA Energy Efficiency Training Week, the further and comprehensive understanding on issues, analytical model, and successful cases of energy-efficiency technologies transfers in emerging countries were gained. In addition, the 2017 IEA energy efficiency training week also provided me an opportunity to learn about electric vehicle case of France.
(iii) The final version of low-carbon technologies extended 2011 OECD Inter-Country Input-Output table was completed. The final version was used as main model to conduct quantitative analytical parts of this study.
(iv) The impact assessment of fiscal policies on energy efficiency to low-carbon technologies transfers in Indonesia have been also completed. The findings of this analysis was accepted as a book chapter of ADBI Handbook on Green Finance.
【研究期間】2015-11-09 - 2018-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)