Education / Sustainable Development / Impact / Sustainability / Research / SDGs / Networks / Sustanable Development / Gender Aspects of SDGs / Capacity-building / Governance for SDGs / SustainableScience / Eduacion for SDGs
The fellow achieved the overall objective of her research. This can be reflected through scientific articles, technical presentations, books, book chapters, and policy briefs. She has also published in collaboration with internal and external colleagues.
The major achievement in FY2019, was the publication of the scientific journal article published in the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education.
Technical presentations were also delivered this fiscal year, where the fellow was invited as a panelist to the Sustainability Symposium at UNU-IAS (United Nations University-Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability) in Tokyo. The forum aimed to discuss various aspects of sustainability science, policy and practice.
She also participated actively in the Latin America Universities Forum held in Peru. The forum discussed aspects related to Higher Education and SDGs, and she conducted a brief video ethnography on issues concerning women, education and SDGs.
The fellow delivered a presentation for young leaders on sustainability at the International Seminar Series on Sustainability, organized by UNU-IAS and Ibaraki Prefecture, and organized a workshop where students were asked to develop innovative ideas to contribute towards achievements of the SDGs at their schools.
Lastly, she participated in a Seminar for Doctorate and Master Sustainability Students at the UNU, where she gave a technical presentation and conducted an experiment to demonstrate that action on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) depends on the context in which we operate.
【研究期間】2017-10-13 - 2020-03-31
【配分額】1,300千円 (直接経費: 1,300千円)