agent-based modeling / behavioral experiment / knowledge management / complexity and evolution / risk and uncertainty / Agent-Based Modeling / Knowledge Management / Behavioral Experiment / Decision Making / Social Complexity / Macroeconomics / Intellectual Capital / Computer Simulation
Using agent-based modeling (ABM) methodology, this research has probed deeply into the complexity of knowledge creation and diffusion and its compound effect on the collective macroscopic outcome e.g. the market sentiment or the organizational climate. Our model incorporates human behavioral decision-making as the fundemental force for knowledge creation and diffusion which is vital but previously neglected. Our model describes the causal relations of the social system and reveals turning points (peak and trough) and inter-temporal dynamics, hence it also quantitatively extends the existing well-known Nonaka's SECI model and Gartner's Hype cycle model which are still considered merely conceptual.
【研究期間】2017-10-13 - 2020-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)