Social Robotic / HRI / Machine learning / Design / Culture-aware Robotics / Social Robotics / Hugging interaction / Content generation / Uncanny Valley / Morphology
In the period from 4/2016 to 12/2016, the following main things were done:
1- Writing and publishing papers (2 journals, 5 conferences) 2- Developing of the new robot "Daruma", based on the study on acceptable design for Japanese society and in particular for elderly people 3- Visit to University of Sao Paolo (Brazil) and UNAM (Mexico) for collaborations and invited lectures 4- Experiment with a robot for security in collaboration with Pontifical Catholic University of Peru 5- Organization of Italy-Japan Workshop 2016, hosted in Waseda, including the coordination of the exhibition of the saxophonist robot
【研究期間】2014-04-25 - 2017-03-31
【配分額】2,300千円 (直接経費: 2,300千円)